Monday 1/27
Tuesday 2/18
Tuesday 3/18
Monday 3/24
Winter Social Bags League
Starts Tuesday January 7th
Pay Out Structure Every Team Is Paid Out
12 Week Season
Please Come To The New Berlin Ale House And Ask For Courtney, If She Is Not Available Any Manager Can Help You.
You Will Need $75 (Cash or Check) To Be Added To The League. This Includes Your Teams $35
If You Do Not Pay You Will Not Be Added To The Schedule.
Please Let Me Know If You Have Any Questions!
Sign Ups Will Be Taken Until December 31st.
Tuesday Social Starts January 7th
12 Week Session
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
12 Slots Available For Each Time Slot.
If We Only Get 12 Teams We Will Play At 6:00 PM
If We Get More Teams You Will Be On A Rotating Schedule.
We Will Have A Full Bar Open During The Time Of League Play.
$275 League Fee
Prizes Will Be Based On How Many Teams Sign Up.
Tuesday- Everyone Is Paid Out
Please Email Courtney At
Ole Smoky Bags League 2025
General Information
· Cost: $275 per team ($60.00 fees, $180.00 prize fund)
$35 registration fee per team (paid at sign up)
· 12 week league
· 2 person teams (can have subs on your team but not on the final night of the season)
· You have 5 minutes after your scheduled start time to make it to your board before you forfeit the match and get a record of 0-5 for the night. If you cannot make it for whatever reason please call us and let us know so that we can get in contact with the team you are supposed to be playing.
· Position week for both leagues will be 2nd to last week of play
· Playoff week will consist of single elimination bracket best 2 out 3 games
· Standings each week will be posted by Friday
Tuesday League Information
· Tuesday League- We have added a 9pm slot for any make up matches. Any teams that can't play at their scheduled time will be placed in the make-up week. Please let Courtney or I know ahead of time
· After week 3 the league will be split into 2 and you will play teams closer to your play skill
Playing Rules
5 games Total per night on Tuesday(You play all 5 Games)
· Games played up to 21. You must win by 2. No bust rule. (meaning you can go over 21 and still win the game, no penalty for going over)
· Teams flip a coin or play rock/paper/scissors to start the night. Winner gets to decide which side of the board they would like and whether they would like to go first or second.
· Partners stand directly across from each other on the boards.
· 4 bags thrown per person each round and teams alternate back and forth until all bags are thrown.
· The team who scored on the previous round or last scored in the game throws first the next round.
· The loser of Game 1 switches sides with their partner for game 2. The loser of game 1 will also switch sides with their partner after game 3. The winner of game 1 will switch sides with their partner after games 2 and 4.
· When throwing, your foot must be behind the front of the board or it will not count. Also if a bag hits the ground at any time it does not count. (bouncing onto the board is not allowed)
· 1 point scored for a bag on the board.
· 3 points scored for a bag in the hole.
· Scores do cancel each other out after each round of throwing.
o Example: Team 1 gets 2 bags in the hole and 1 bag on the board for a score of 7. Team 2 gets 1 bag in the hole and 2 bags on the board for a score of 5. Team 1 would score 2 points for that round and go first on the next round.
· Each team will have a win/loss record depending how they do each night. So each night you will have a record of 5-0, 4-1, 3-2, 2-3, 1-4 or 0-5. Any tiebreakers in the standings will be based on total points against. So please make sure you keep track of each game score because this will have a part in determining the standings.
Any other questions please contact Eric Lederman or Courtney Murray at 262-641-0014 or at
Volleyball Registration For Spring & Summer 2025 is now open
Check Out Our New Menu
Bowling Availability Please Call 262-641-0016.
First Come First Serve.
Due To High Volume We Cannot Guarantee You A Lane
Groups of 10 or more please call ahead for reservations.
Groups of 8 or more people are subject to 1 check and 20% gratuity added to the bill.
All To-Go Orders Will Have A 10-15% Service Charge Added
*We Do Not Allow Outside Food Or Drink To Be Brought Into Our Establishment*